About Us
Youth Leaders Foundation (YLF) is a non-profit organization with a registered number 809 for 2017 providing targeted services to find hidden calibres to support and strengthen Egypt’s youth segment.
As a civil society organization that believes in the power of partnership with all active stakeholders in Egypt, YLF has been working on building partnerships and synergies with CSOs, International Organizations, Governmental and Private sector partners.

YLF programs are Outcome based designed programs with a people centred approach. The programs were built with the core belief in the significance of customizing needs of youth and women guides the services provided to enhance youth and women’s agency.
Our Vision:
To develop potential Youth Leaders to inspire and drive change in Egypt
Our Mission :
To Empower potential youth to positively engage in the community by developing their leadership skills through the latest national and international assessment and development tools.

Since 2017, YLF has been utilizing these partnerships to work in full alignment with Egypt’s vision of 2030 and the National Strategy of Women Empowerment 2030. YLF’s scope of work is also focused on achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs) specifically goals no.4, 5, 8. (and potentially widening the scope in the future). YLF has managed to be one of the leading entities in youth empowerment programs within universities & schools through the following focus areas:
- Building adequate young capacities by providing them with quality training and education
- Building unifying platforms to foster initiatives and innovations of university students
- Providing strong networking opportunities
- Working on women’s empowerment and gender equality
- Creating an ongoing communication channel between YLF and its beneficiaries
Throughout its several activities, YLF’s vision follows a specifically designed paradigm to find hidden talents, provide them with high-quality education opportunities and skills of lifetime benefit, and channel their energies into long-term, community-serving projects.
YLF programs are Outcome-based designed programs with a people-centered approach. The programs were built with the core belief in the significance of customizing the needs of youth and women guiding the services provided to enhance youth and women’s agency.
Our supporters
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